antidepressant treatment - missed or extra doses and the risks associated with stopping an antidepressant

Last edited 02/2023 and last reviewed 03/2023

antidepressant treatment - missed or extra doses and the risks associated with stopping an antidepressant

  • management of missed or extra doses and the risks associated with stopping an antidepressant (1)
    • patient advice re: missed or extra doses (2)
      • is important not to miss any of your doses, as this could make your treatment less effective

      • it is possible to get withdrawal symptoms as a result of missing a dose of the medicine

      • if a single dose is missed
        • then skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the usual time
        • do not take a double dose to make up for the dose you missed

      • if you take more tablets than prescribed, contact your GP or NHS 111 as soon as possible for advice

    • patient advice re:stopping antidepressants
      • it is important to talk to your doctor before you stop taking antidepressants - also it is important that you do not stop taking antidepressants suddenly

      • once you're ready to come off antidepressants, your doctor will probably recommend reducing your dose gradually over several weeks - or longer, if you have been taking them for a long time

        • this is to help prevent any withdrawal symptoms you might get as a reaction to coming off the medicine. These include:
          • restlessness
          • trouble sleeping
          • unsteadiness
          • sweating
          • stomach problems
          • feeling as if there's an electric shock in your head
          • feeling irritable, anxious or confused

      • in general, withdrawal symptoms are mild and get better on their own
        • however, some people have withdrawal symptoms that are severe and last for several months or more

      • coming off antidepressants too soon can cause your condition to return
        • stopping before you have been taking them for 4 weeks may mean the medicine has not had a chance to work


  1. NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service (February 2023). Monitoring a person during and after antidepressant switching
  2. NHS Advice (accessed February 21st 2023). Antidepressant treatment - missed doses or stopping treatment