classification of hepatic encaphalopathy

Last reviewed 01/2018

classification of hepatic encephalopathy

Several methods have been proposed for classification of HE.

  • according to the underlying disease
    • type A - due to acute liver failure
    • type B - due to portal venous bypass with portosystemic shunting
    • type C - due to cirrhotic liver disease

  • according to the severity of manifestations
    • grading of HE has traditionally been defined by the West Haven Criteria (WHC), also known as the Conn score

  • according to its time course
    • episodic HE
    • recurrent HE denotes bouts of HE that occur with a time interval of 6 months or less.
    • persistent HE denotes a pattern of behavioral alterations that are always present and interspersed with relapses of overt HE

  • according to the existence of precipitating factors
    • nonprecipitated or
    • precipitated, and the precipitating factors should be specified. Precipitating factors can be identified in nearly all bouts of episodic HE type C and should be actively sought and treated when found
