haemodynamic assessment of patient with dengue fever

Last reviewed 01/2018

haemodynamic assessment of a dengue patient

haemodynamic parameters

stable circulation

compensated shock

hypotensive shock

conscious level

clear and lucid

clear and lucid

restless, combative

capillary refill

brisk (≤2 sec)

prolonged (>2 sec)

very prolonged, mottled skin


warm and pink

cool peripheries

cold, clammy

peripheral pulse volume

good volume

weak and thready

feeble or absent

heart rate

normal heart rate
for age

tachycardia for age

severe tachycardia or
bradycardia in late shock

blood pressure

  • normal blood pressure for age
  • normal pulse pressure for age
  • normal systolic pressure, but rising
    diastolic pressure
  • narrowing pulse pressure
  • postural hypotension
  • narrow pulse pressure (<=20 mmHg)
  • hypotension
  • unrecordable blood pressure

respiratory rate

normal respiratory
rate for age


hyperpnea or Kussmaul’s
breathing (metabolic acidosis)

urine output


reducing trend

oliguria or anuria
