risk stratification tool for children aged 5-11 years with suspected sepsis

Last edited 09/2019 and last reviewed 05/2023

Risk stratification tool for children aged 5-11 years with suspected sepsis


Category Age High Risk Criteria Moderate to high risk criteria Low Risk Criteria
Behaviour Any

Objective evidence of altered behaviour or mental state

Appears ill to a healthcare professional

Does not wake or if roused does not stay awake

Not behaving normally

Decreased activity

Parent or carer concern that the child is behaving differently from usual

Behaving normally




Oxygen saturation of less than 90% in air or increased oxygen requirement over baseline




Oxygen saturation of less than 92% in air or increased oxygen requirement over baseline



No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 5 years Raised respiratory rate: 29 breaths per minute or more Raised respiratory rate: 24-28 breaths per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 6 – 7 years


Raised respiratory rate: 27 breaths per minute or more

Raised respiratory rate: 24-26 breaths per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 8–11 years

Raised respiratory rate: 25 breaths per minute or more


Raised respiratory rate: 22-24 breaths per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Circulation and hydration Any Heart rate less than 60 beats per minute

Capillary refill time of 3 seconds or more

Reduced urine output

For catheterised patients, passed less than 1 ml/kg of urine per hour

No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 5 years Raised heart rate: 130 beats per minute or more Raised heart rate: 120-129 beats per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 6-7 years Raised heart rate: 120 beats per minute or more Raised heart rate: 110-119 beats per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Aged 8-11 years Raised heart rate: 115 beats per minute or more Raised heart rate: 105-114 beats per minute No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met
Skin Any

Mottled or ashen appearance

Cyanosis of skin, lips or tongue

Non-blanching rash of skin

Temperature Any   Tympanic temperature less than 36°C  
Other Any   Leg pain Cold hands or feet No high risk or moderate to high risk criteria met

The UK Sepsis Trust have produced a form for evaluation of possible sepsis for use in primary care (2):
