NICE - suggested preoperative tests based on complexity of surgery and ASA classification
Last reviewed 01/2018
Suggested Investigations based on complexity of surgery and ASA classification.
ASA Classification used in this guide:
ASA 1 | A normal healthy patient |
ASA 2 | A patient with mild systemic disease |
ASA 3 | A patient with severe systemic disease |
ASA 4 | A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life |
If Minor Surgery:
ASA 1 | ASA2 | ASA3 or ASA4 | |
Full blood count | Not routinely | Not routinely | Not routinely |
Haemostasis | Not routinely | Not routinely | Not routinely |
Kidney Function | Not routinely | Not routinely | Consider in people at risk of AKI |
ECG | Not routinely | Not routinely | Consider if no ECG results available from past 12 months |
Lung function/arterial blood gas | Not routinely | Not routinely | Not routinely |
If Intermediate Surgery:
ASA 1 | ASA2 | ASA3 or ASA4 | |
Full blood count | Not routinely | Not routinely | Consider for people with cardiovascular or renal disease if any symptoms not recently investigated |
Haemostasis | Not routinely | Not routinely |
Consider in people with chronic liver disease
Kidney Function | Not routinely | Consider in people at risk of AKI | Yes |
ECG | Not routinely | Consider for people with cardiovascular, renal or diabetes comorbidities | Yes |
Lung function/arterial blood gas | Not routinely | Not routinely | Consider seeking advice from a senior anaesthetist as soon as possible after assessment for people who are ASA grade 3 or 4 due to known or suspected respiratory disease |
If Major/Complex Surgery:
ASA 1 | ASA2 | ASA3 or ASA4 | |
Full blood count | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Haemostasis | Not routinely | Not routinely |
Consider in people with chronic liver disease
Kidney Function | Consider in people at risk of AKI | Yes | Yes |
ECG | Consider for people aged over 65 if no ECG results available from past 12 months | Yes | Yes |
Lung function/arterial blood gas | Not Routinely | Not Routinely | Consider seeking advice from a senior anaesthetist as soon as possible after assessment for people who are ASA grade 3 or 4 due to known or suspected respiratory disease |
Surgery Grades:
Surgery Grades Examples Minor - excising skin lesion
- draining breast abscess
Intermediate - primary repair of inguinal hernia
- excising varicose veins in the leg
- tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy
- knee arthroscopy
Major or Complex - total abdominal hysterectomy
- endoscopic resection of prostate
- lumbar discectomy
- thyroidectomy
- total joint replacement
- lung operations
- colonic resection
- radical neck dissection