
Last reviewed 01/2018

Aphakia is the absence of the lens of the eye

  • due to surgical removal
  • a perforating wound or ulcer or
  • congenital anomaly

Uncorrected unilateral aphakia is one of the leading causes of monocular visual impairment in some African countries (1).

Aphakia results in loss of accomodation and hypermetropia (long sightedness) and a deep anterior chamber.

Possible complications include:

  • detachment of the vitreous or retina
  • glaucoma

Aphakic people are reported to be able to see ultraviolet wavelengths (400-300 nm) that are normally excluded by the lens

  • aphakic people perceive this light as whitish blue or whitish violet


  • Sherwin JC, Lewallen S, Courtright P. Blindness and visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive error in sub-Saharan Africa: review of recent population-based studies. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012;96(7):927-30.