Carr-Hill allocation formula

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • the Carr-Hill allocation formula
    • used to adjust the global sum total for a number of local demographic and other factors which may affect Practice workload.
    • for example, a Practice with a large number of elderly patients may have a higher workload than one which primarily cares for commuters.
  • The Carr-Hill formula replaced the Jarman index
    • factors included in the Carr-Hill formula
      • patient age and gender (used to reflect frequency of home and surgery visits)
      • additional needs: Standardised Mortality Ratio and Standardised Long-Standing Illness for patients under the age of 65 years
      • number of newly registered patients (generate 40% of work in 1st year)
      • rurality
      • costs of living in some area (ie South East - ? higher staff costs)
      • patient age/gender for nursing/residential consultations.

The formula is applied to practice populations, rather than Primary Care Organisation populations.