ulna/elbow classification

Last reviewed 01/2018

Bayne classified ulnar dysplasia according to the morphology of the ulna and elbow:

  • I - hypoplasia:
    • ulna hypoplastic with presence of distal and proximal ulnar epiphyses
    • frequently minimal deformity or shortening
    • slight ulnar deviation of hand
    • minimal bowing of radius
  • II - partial aplasia:
    • absent distal or middle third of ulna
    • fibrous anlage distally that may cause progressive ulnar deviation
    • progressive radial bowing
    • stable elbow
  • III - complete aplasia:
    • total agenesis of ulna with often a fibrous anlage in its place
    • radius often straight
    • unstable elbow
    • severe deficiencies of hand and carpus
  • IV - synostosis:
    • entire limb is shortened
    • fusion of radius to humerus produces a stable elbow
    • progressive ulnar deviation due to a distal ulnar anlage

Type II is the most common abnormality.


Ref: Bayne LG (1985); Hand Clin 1(3): 457-465.