gliptins and driving

Last edited 06/2019

  • the DVLA note for diabetes mellitus managed by other medication, including non-insulin injectables - excluding sulphonylureas and glinides

    • the appendix D (INF188/2) outlines when a driver should inform the DVLA
      • law, the driver must inform the DVLA if any of the following applies:
        • if you suffer more than one episode of severe hypoglycaemia within the last 12 months. You must also tell us if you or your medical team feel you are at high risk of developing severe hypoglycaemia. For Group 2 drivers (bus/lorry), one episode of severe hypoglycaemia must be reported immediately
        • you develop impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. (Difficulty in recognising the warning symptoms of low blood sugar)
        • you suffer severe hypoglycaemia while driving
        • you need treatment with insulin
        • you need laser treatment to both eyes or in the remaining eye if you have sight in one eye only
        • you have problems with vision in both eyes, or in the remaining eye if you have sight in one eye only. By law, you must be able to read, with glasses or contact lenses if necessary, a car number plate in good daylight at 20 metres. In addition, the visual acuity (with the aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn) must be at least 6/12 (0.5 decimal) with both eyes open, or in the only eye if monocular
        • you develop any problems with the circulation, or sensation in your legs or feet which makes it necessary for you to drive certain types of vehicles only, for example automatic vehicles, or vehicles with a hand operated accelerator or brake. This must be shown on your driving licence
        • an existing medical condition gets worse or you develop any other condition that may affect your driving safely

    • Managed by other medication, including non-insulin injectables
      • Excluding sulphonylureas and glinides
        • Group 1
          • may drive and need not notify the DVLA, provided the requirements set out in INF188/2 are met and the driver is under regular medical review.
          • may drive but must notify the DVLA if clinical information indicates the agency may need to undertake medical enquiries
