newborn hearing screening programme

Last reviewed 03/2023

Key messages from UK National Screening Committee:

    • 1 to 2 in 1000 babies in the UK are born with a permanent hearing loss or deafness in one or both ears 90% of babies with a hearing loss are born to families with no history of deafness
    • Early identification is very important for speech, language and social development
    • All babies born in England should be offered a hearing screen at 0-5 weeks of age
    • Babies referred from the programme should be seen for a full audiological assessment within 4 weeks of screen completion
    • GPs are notified of screen referrals by letter

Newborn Hearing Screening

  • the NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP) aims to identify moderate, severe and profound bilateral deafness and hearing impairment in newborn babies. The programme offers all parents in England the opportunity to have their baby's hearing tested shortly after birth. Similar programmes are in place in Scotland, Wales and N Ireland

Key messages for Primary Care

  • 1-2 per 1000 babies in the UK are born with a permanent hearing loss. 90% of hearing impaired babies are born to families with no history of hearing loss. Early identification is important for the speech, language and social development of the child
  • all babies born in England are now offered a hearing screen at 0 to 5 weeks of age using 2 non-invasive and objective screening methods; Automated Oto-Acoustic Emissions (AOAEs) and Automated Auditory Brainstem Responses (AABRs)
  • screening usually takes place while the baby is settled or asleep, it can be done in Hospital or in the community setting
  • the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP) coverage is 97%. Parents may need support in reaching a decision to accept screening or in recognising the importance of attending appointments if screening is incomplete
  • babies referred from the hearing screening programme should be seen for full Audiological assessment within 4 weeks of screen completion. GPs are notified of screen referrals by letter. GP awareness of screening results is needed in meeting parental concerns and ensuring appropriate referral of babies
  • parents are provided with clear, unbiased information antenatally and at the time of screen. For further programme information please access the NHSP website at