factors associated with higher risk of reccurrence or metastasis

Last reviewed 01/2018

High-risk squamous cell carcinoma are those that are high risk have a high recurrence rate after treatment and may metastasise. Various features are associated with a high-risk squamous cell carcinoma of the skin:

Histological features

  • poorly differentiated, perineural invasion, depth greater than 4 mm or extending to subcutaneous tissue (Clark level 5)


  • lip, ears, non-sun-exposed sites, e.g. penis, scrotum and soles of feet; in areas of previous injury, e.g. burns, irradiation and chronic ulcers

Other factors

  • greater than 2 cm diameter, immunosuppression, previously treated lesion


  1. NICE (February 2006).CSG Improving Outcomes for People with Skin Tumours including Melanoma: The Manual