painful diabetic neuropathy
Last reviewed 01/2018
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic medical conditions
- up to 60% may develop diabetic polyneuropathy
- the incidence is linked to the duration of diabetes
- among diabetic neuropathic patients within the UK, between 43% and 53% experienced painful symptoms to the lower limb (1)
Pathophysiology (1,2,3,4):
- pathogenesis of painful symptoms remains unclear
- previous
studies have not demonstrated structural or functional differences in nerve fibres
between painful and painless diabetic neuropathy
- one study did demonstrate higher plasma norepinephrine levels in patients with painful compared with painless neuropathy
- the DCCT trial showed a reduced incidence of diabetic
neuropathy in the intensive glycaemic control treatment group (3)
- diabetic patients with painful neuropathy seem to have increased blood glucose flux and perhaps poorer glycaemic control compared with those with painless neuropathy (4)
- paradoxically an insulin neuritis has been noted to occur
following rapid improvement in glycaemic control (5)
- some have related this complication to endoneurial ischaemia, perhaps due to insulin-induced neural neovascularization and arterio-venous shunting (4)
Clinical features
- symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy include burning pains, pins and needles, shooting pains down the legs, increased touch sensation (hyperaesthesia), and even numbness
Diagnosis (2):
- measurement of clinical pain is difficult because it can be influenced by the individual personality, past experiences and other psychological variables. Therefore pain assessment has to rely on subjective evaluation
- Spruce, M et al. The pathogenesis and management of painful diabetic neuropathy: a review. Diabetic Medicine 2003;20 (2): 88-98
- Benbow, S. J. et al. Painful diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic Medicine 1999;16 (8): 632-644.
- The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. New Engl. J. Med. 1993; 32(14): 977-86.
- Kihara M, Zollman PJ, Smithson IL, Lagerlund TD, Low PA. Hypoxic effect of exogenous insulin on normal and diabetic peripheral nerve. Am J Physiol 1994; 226: E980–985
- Oyibo, S et al.The relationship between blood glucose excursions and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study. Diabetic Medicine 2002;19 (10): 870-873.
management of diabetic neuropathy
painful diabetic neuropathy (neuritis) following improvement in glycaemic control