driving (and severe anxiety states or depression)

Last edited 06/2019

Driving in the context of

  • anxiety states or depressive illnesses (without significant memory or concentration problems, agitation, behavioural disturbance or suicidal thoughts)

Group 1 entitlement

  • DVLA need not be notified and driving may continue
  • See Appendix E (of DVLA Assessing fitness to drive - a guide for medical professionals) for medication considerations relevant to driving.
  • more severe anxiety states or depressive illnesses (with significant memory or concentration problems, agitation, behavioural disturbance or suicidal thoughts).

Group 1 entitlement

  • Must not drive and must notify the DVLA.
  • Licensing will depend on the outcome of medical enquiries, and the DVLA will require a period of stability.
  • Particular danger would be posed by those who may attempt suicide at the wheel

For more details and, the most up-to-date, guidance should be obtained from the publication "At a Glance Guide to the Current Medical Standards of Fitness to Drive" and the website www.dvla.gov.uk.
