gastrointestinal system

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • difficulty in swallowing - solids or liquids (dysphagia)
  • nausea
  • vomiting - amount, colour, sour, old or recent food, blood, coffee grounds
  • waterbrash
  • indigestion
  • flatulence
  • abdominal pain - relation to meals or defaecation - what gives relief eg foods, antacids, vomiting
  • bowel habit - frequency, change in bowel habit? - diarrhoea, number of motions, relation to food or pain - nature of stool eg formed/unformed ?bulky or floats colour blood or slime - straining (tenesmus or pain) - use of purgatives
  • jaundiced - dark urine or pale stools? - recent drugs or injections? - travel abroad? - contact with jaundiced people - alcohol intake