lipoprotein a (elevated)

Last edited 11/2020 and last reviewed 11/2023

Approximately one in people in five have an lipoprotein a plasma concentration greater than 0.3 g/l

Elevated levels of lipoprotein A is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease

  • Lp (a) is produced in the liver; its significance lying in the fact that numerous studies have found that concentrations of plasma Lp (a) above 0.3 g/l (note reference ranges may vary between laboratories) are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. This includes up to 20% of the population

    • concentrations vary from almost undetectable to greater than 1 g/l; differing little with sex, body mass index and age in adults

    • Lp(a) levels vary significantly across different ethnicities, with Africans having the highest Lp(a) levels (median 0.27 g/l ), whereas Chinese were observed to have the lowest (0.078 g/l) (3)

    • epidemiological evidence has linked Lp(a) to several cardiovascular diseases (1)

      • including myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and aortic valve stenosis

      • findings from a Mendelian randomization study suggest that elevated Lp(a) may directly contribute to CHD development

      • among patients with ACS, raised Lp(a) levels are associated with an increased atherosclerotic burden and it identifies a subset of patients with features of high risk coronary atherosclerosis (2)

      • association between Lp(a) > 0.5g/l and MI, conferring an increased odds of MI of 48% (95% CI, 32%-67%) (3)
        • only ethnic groups that were heterogeneous were Africans and Arabs, in whom the association appeared null; however, these were the smallest subgroups and were affected by poor precision (3)
        • other evidence have revealed that Lp(a) > 0.5 g/l is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in blacks (4)

      • evidence from FOURIER study revealed that raised Lp (a) was an independent marker of cardiovascular risk despite use of moderate or high intensity statins (5)
        • in the well-treated FOURIER cohort, in which >99% of participants received moderate- or high-intensity statins and in which LDL cholesterol was <100 mg/dL (apoB <90 mg/dL), higher Lp(a) was associated with major adverse cardiovascular events (defined as a composite of coronary heart death, MI, or urgent coronary revascularization)
          • both the third and fourth upper quartiles of the Lp(a) distribution had an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events of 17% and 22%, respectively, compared with the lowest quartile
  • clinical benefit of lowering Lp(a) is likely to be proportional to the absolute reduction in Lp(a) concentration. Large absolute reductions in Lp(a) of approximately 100 mg/dL may be required to produce a clinically meaningful reduction in the risk of CHD similar in magnitude to what can be achieved by lowering LDL-C level by 38.67 mg/dL (ie, 1 mmol/L) (6)

Levels may also be affected by:

  • hepatic disease and excessive alcohol decrease levels
  • diabetics with proteinuria and albuminuric renal disease have increased levels.

The pathway for clearance is uncertain.
