monitoring and annual audit (diabetes mellitus)
Last reviewed 01/2018
Three-monthly during first year, then six-monthly, check:
- current health, medication and compliance
- history of hypo- and hyperglycaemic episodes
- blood or urine testing diary
- BP pulse weight and BMI (& height if no record)
- visual acuity and feet
- blood glucose and 6-monthly HbA1c
- patient concerns
Annual audit same as three/six-monthly monitoring plus:
- lifestyle assessment (alcohol, smoking etc)
- fundoscopy with dilated pupils
- blood tests: U+E creatinine, lipids
- urine protein test:
- if positive, check microalbuminuria x3
- if persists, start ACE inhibitor as per BNF guidance
- macrovascular examination (heart, carotids, peripheral circulation)