trichomoniasis (in females)

Last edited 07/2021 and last reviewed 08/2021

This is most common in females between 18 and 35 years. It is usually, but not always, sexually acquired. The incubation period is 4 days to 3 weeks.

Trichomoniasis can increase the risk of HIV infection. It is also associated with (1,2):

  • pelvic inflammatory disease
  • pregnancy complications including preterm delivery and low birth weight
  • infections after delivery, surgery, and abortion

Key points (3):

  • oral treatment needed as extravaginal infection common
  • treat partners, and refer to GUM for other STIs.
  • pregnant/breastfeeding:
    • avoid 2g single dose metronidazole;
    • clotrimazole for symptom relief (not cure) if metronidazole declined
