fructosamine assay in diabetes

Last edited 08/2022 and last reviewed 03/2023

Interpretation of serum fructosamine level

  • as with many lab values, the reference range is different from laboratory to laboratory, so all results must be interpreted within the context of the institution you are practicing in
  • HbA1c and fructosamine are highly correlated with following formula (2)
    • HbA1c = 0.017 X fructosamine level (µmol/L) + 1.61 (HbA1c is in DCCT% terms)


  • Guillausseau P-J, Charles M-A, Godard V, Timsit J, Chanson P, Paolaggi F et al. Comparison of fructosamine with glycated hemoglobin as an index of glycemic control in diabetic patients. Diabetes Research, 1990. 13:127-131.
  • Vasista P et al. G472 (P) Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c): Is it a reliable measure of glycaemic control in all patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus?Archives of Disease in Childhood 2016;101:A281.