
Last edited 10/2023 and last reviewed 10/2023

Seek specialist advice.

Treatment measures include:

  • avoidance of precipitating factors for pain and tiredness e.g. environmental temperature changes, physical exertion
  • ensuring increased fluid intake during exercise and in warm weather
  • carbamazepine may help to decrease or prevent pain attacks
  • antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants to prevent TIAs/strokes
  • avoid smoking
  • if mild renal dysfunction - low-sodium and low-protein diet
  • end-stage renal disease - renal dialysis, renal transplantation
  • if gastrointestinal symptoms - low-fat diet
  • prophylactic antibiotics - if mitral valve prolapse; also for dental treatments and surgery
  • cardiac intervention as indicated e.g. pacemaker, bypass surgery
  • dermatological treatment - laser therapy for removal of angiokeratomas
  • psychological support - for patient and families
  • enzyme replacement therapy is now available and generally well-tolerated
    • is evidence that this therapy may result in a decrease in pain and an improvement in cardiac and renal function (1)
    • usual treatment for Fabry disease is migalastat or enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa or agalsidase beta (2)
      • Pegunigalsidase alfa is another ERT
      • linical trial evidence shows that pegunigalsidase alfa works as well as agalsidase beta. There is no direct clinical trial evidence comparing pegunigalsidase alfa with agalsidase alfa or migalastat


  1. Dermatology in Practice (2003), 11 (6), 24-7.
  2. NICE (October 2023). Pegunigalsidase alfa for treating Fabry disease