
Last reviewed 01/2018


  • stage I - 95% survival at 5 years
  • stage IV - 20% survival at 5 years

Favourable prognosis associated with:

  • age less than 1 year at diagnosis:
    • 50% 5 year survival for those diagnosed at 1 year
    • 20% 5 year survival for those diagnosed at 10 years
  • stage I and II disease
  • cervical, pelvic, mediastinal, orbital primary tumours
  • normal neurone-specific enolase and ferritin at diagnosis
  • high vanylmandelic to homovanillic acid ratio
  • less than 3 copies of N-myc oncogene
  • low telomerase activity
  • stage IVS has a prognosis as good as stage II