supportive treatment

Last reviewed 06/2021

Supportive treatment is as follows:

  • fluid balance should be closely monitored, and any electrolyte imbalance or hypovolaemia should be assessed and corrected. One of the commonest problems is over hydration; the uraemia is wrongly though to be a feature of dehydration, resulting in large amount of parenteral fluids being given.
  • acute tubular necrosis should be treated appropriately; peritoneal dialysis may be indicated
  • hypertension - treatment of choice is with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors because the hypertension is usually renin mediated. It is essential to have a rigorous control of blood pressure because hypertension may exacerbate, or act as a trigger, for further episodes of HUS.
  • anaemia should be corrected with repeated small blood transfusions to prevent overload