tissue effects

Last reviewed 01/2018

Progestogens have effects on a wide range of tissues:

  • oviducts:
    • reduced mucus secretion
    • reduced number of cilia
  • uterus - see submenu
  • cervix: alteration in consistency of mucus makes it more difficult for sperm to traverse; this is the basis for one of the contraceptive actions
  • breast:
    • stimulates development of milk ducts in combination with other hormones such as prolactin
    • localized fluid retention, increasing volume and tenderness, towards the end of the cycle
  • kidneys: inhibition of aldosterone action with increased excretion of salt
  • other hormonal cells: inhibits LH release, so interfering with ovulation - underlies its role as a contraceptive within the minipill - progesterone-only pill

Menstruation is largely the result of progestogen withdrawal.