tranexamic acid

Last reviewed 01/2018

Tranexamin acid is used in situations where excessive haemorrhage cannot be controlled e.g.:

  • post-operatively e.g prostatectomy, bladder surgery
  • menorrhagia associated with IUCD's
  • haemophiliac dental extraction
  • epistaxis
  • reduce the effect of fibrinolytic drugs
  • as a second-line agent in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

It competitively inhibits the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

Cautions / contra-indications:

  • massive haematuria from upper renal tract as may cause ureteric thrombotic obstruction
  • history of thromboembolic disease
  • pregnancy

It interacts with the oral contraceptive pill to increase the risk of thrombosis.