clinical features

Last reviewed 01/2018

The clinical features of lateral medullary syndrome can be divided into those resulting from brainstem or cerebellar dysfunction:

Cerebellar features:

  • ipsilateral limb ataxia
  • vertigo
  • nystagmus to the side of the lesion - due to damage to the vestibulo-ocular connections

Brain stem features:

  • sudden onset of dizziness and vomiting - due to the involvement of vestibular and vagal nuclei respectively
  • dysphagia and dysarthria - due to lesion to the nucleus ambiguus and vagal nuclei
  • ipsilateral Horner's syndrome
  • ipsilateral facial sensory loss - pain and temperature
  • ipsilateral pharyngeal and laryngeal paralysis - cranial IX and X palsies
  • contralateral sensory loss - pain and temperature of the limbs and trunk