cost effectiveness

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • spend time on the history and don't interrupt too soon: 'Listen to the patient, he's telling you the diagnosis'
  • let time pass before the extensive workup of a new symptom, taking into account the time before presentation
  • stay well-informed about the health outcomes of unpleasant or expensive procedures
  • avoid tests that are unlikely to alter your decisions
  • give enough time to patient education about the condition especially those that often lead to inappropriate and costly 'doctor-shopping' by the patient
  • prescribe only necessary medication, be aware of relative costs and check that the patient actually wants it
  • use community and primary health care teams to prevent hospital admissions or reduce inpatient stays
  • avoid heroic procedures during terminal care

ref:Principles of Ambulatory Med 4e ed L Randol Barker et al