
Last reviewed 05/2021

The bony passage is the pelvis. The inlet, mid-cavity and outlet dimensions must be sufficient to accommodate the foetus.

The bony passage may obstruct birth if:

  • the shape of the pelvis is not ideal (has a round brim)
    • about 15% of women have a pelvis with a long oval brim (anthropoid)
  • the pelvis is contracted
  • there are tumours of the pelvic bones

The soft passages are the uterine fundus & cervix, vagina, vulva and supporting tissues.

The soft passages may obstruct birth if:

  • there are pelvic tumour e.g. fibromyomata or ovarian tumours
  • there are tumours of surrounding tissues e.g bowel or bladder
  • the passages are abnormal e.g. cervical stenosis or obstruction by the non-pregnant horn of a bicornuate uterus