personal and social milestones

Last reviewed 03/2023

Approximate times of various personal and social milestones are presented below. More detailed information with respect to different ages is available in the menu options.

age of onset

  • sleeps and feeds newborn
  • may smile back at parent or 1 - 2 months examiner
  • smiles spontaneously 1.5 - 3 months
  • finger feeds 4 - 8 months
  • smiles at self in mirror 4 - 8 months
  • chewing 5 - 7 months
  • shy with strangers 5 - 10 months
  • drinks from cup 6 - 16 months
  • takes off clothes 14 - 20 months
  • dry during day 18 - 38 months
  • separates easily from mother 20 - 50 months
  • uses knife and fork 32 - 50 months