cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography

Last reviewed 01/2018

Cardiac catheterisation permits ther determination of the pressure gradient across the mitral valve.

Swan-Ganz catheterisation permits the estimation of left atrial pressure. Left atrial pressure should be determined at rest and during exercise.

Direct measurements of the left atrial pressure can be made by trans-atrial-septal catheterization.

A measure of the severity of mitral stenosis is provided by the end-diastolic gradient between left atrium and left ventricle. The pressure gradient is exaggerated by a short diastole and so there should be adjustment for heart rate.

Any associated mitral regurgitation is apparent during ventriculography.

Pulmonary arterial resistance

The pulmonary arterial resistance is measured by :-

( mean pulmonary arterial wedge pressure ) - (mean left atrial pressure) _________________________________________________________

cardiac output