mechanisms of headache

Last reviewed 01/2018

The physiological mechanisms that produce the subjective sensation of headache include:

  • skeletal muscle contraction e.g. tension headache

  • arterial dilatation:
    • extracranial, as in migraine
    • intracranial, as in nitrate vasodilators, hypertension, systemic infections

  • traction on arteries:
    • raised intracranial pressure
    • tumour
    • haemorrhage

  • traction or dilatation of venous sinuses, for example postlumbar puncture headache

  • inflammation
    • extracranial, for example temporal cell arteritis
    • intracranial, for example meningitis

  • referred pain, for example disease of ears, sinuses, eyes, cervical spine - ankylosing spondylitis

  • psychogenic