driving and dizziness

Last edited 06/2019

Dizziness - liability to sudden and unprovoked or unprecipitated episodes of disabling dizziness

Sudden is defined as 'without sufficient warning to allow safe evasive action when driving' and disabling is defined as 'unable to continue safely with the activity being performed'.

e.g. Meniere's disease, labyrinthine or other brain stem disorders

Re: Group 1 Entitlement

  • Must not drive on presentation and must notify the DVLA.
  • When satisfactory control of symptoms has been achieved, relicensing may be considered for restoration of the 'til 70 licence.

Up-to-date guidance may be obtained from the publication "At a Glance Guide to the Current Medical Standards of Fitness to Drive" and the website www.dvla.gov.uk.
