UKPDS - hypertension in type 2 diabetes

Last reviewed 01/2018

The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) looked at whether or not tight control of blood pressure (<150/85 mmHg), as opposed to less tight control (180/115 mmHg) prevents microvascular and macrovascular complications.

More than 5000 type 2 diabetics were recruited to the study. The groups were followed up for a median of 8.4 years.

The tight control group had:

  • 32% reduction in diabetes related deaths.
  • 34% reduction in macrovascular disease.
  • 37% reduction in microvascular end points e.g. reduced risk of photocoagulation.

29% of the tight control group required treatment with three or more treatments to achieve target blood pressure.

Initial treatment was with captopril or atenolol. These treatments were equally effective in reducing the risk of fatal and non-fatal diabetic complications in type 2 diabetics.