inhibition of gastric acid secretion

Last reviewed 01/2018

The inhibition of gastric acid secretion may be achieved in two ways:

  • H2 antagonists:
    • ranitidine 150 mg bd or 300 mg nocte for 4-8 weeks
    • ranitidine is preferred over cimetidine because it has fewer side effects and drug interactions
    • both drugs are effective for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulceration
    • relapse of ulcer disease is common when therapy is discontinued

  • proton pump inhibitors:
    • the most commonly used example is omeprazole
    • acts for 24 hr (longer than H2 inhibitors)
    • are the first-line treatment for management of dyspepsia in primary care (1)


  1. NICE (August 2004). Dyspepsia - management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care