criteria for admission if febrile convulsion/seizure

Last reviewed 01/2018

Majority of patients do not require hospital admission.

Admission for further assessment by a paediatrician should be considered in:

  • first febrile seizure.
  • decreased consciousness level before seizure (use of the Paediatric Glasgow Coma Score is encouraged for an objective record)
  • slow recovery with abnormal behaviour or drowsiness after seizure - consider referral if normal neurological or mental state is not achieved within one hour
  • clinical signs of meningism (irritability, neck stiffness, photophobia, headache)
  • complex febrile seizures
  • focal neurological deficit on examination
  • unwell child with features of septicaemia
  • unexplained cause of fever (1)

For children prone to recurrent febrile convulsions, parents can be provided with diazepam rectal tubes and shown how to administer them.
