
Last edited 04/2018 and last reviewed 08/2021

Important causes of hyperthyroidism include:

  • Graves’ disease
    • most common cause, accounting for about 75% of cases
    • typical seen in women aged 30-50 years but can occur at any age in both sexes
  • toxic multinodular goitre  and toxic adenoma
  • thyroiditis
    • subacute thyroiditis
    • silent thyroiditis
    • postpartum thyroiditis
  • drugs e.g. -  levothyroxine/triiodothyronine, amiodarone, lithium,
  • β human chorionic gonadotrophin mediated hyperthyroidism:
    • Gestational hyperthyroidism
    • Choriocarcinoma
    • Hydatidiform mole
  • Struma ovarii
  • TSH secreting pituitary adenoma (1)

Aetiology can be divided into:

  • primary:
    • due to pathology within the thyroid gland
    • most common
  • secondary:
    • a pathological process causes excessive stimulation of a normal thyroid gland
