risk of HIV transmission per exposure from a known HIV - positive individual not on ART

Last edited 03/2018

risk of HIV transmission per exposure from a known HIV-positive individual not on ART (Anti-retroviral therapy)

type of exposure

estimated risk of HIV transmission per exposure from a known HIV-positive individual not on ART

receptive anal intercourse

1 in 90

receptive anal intercourse with ejaculation

1 in 65

receptive anal intercourse no ejaculation

1 in 170

insertive anal intercourse

1 in 666

insertive anal intercourse not circumcised

1 in 161

insertive anal intercourse and circumcised

1 in 909

receptive vaginal intercourse

1 in 1000

insertive vaginal intercourse

1 in 1,219

semen splash to eye

<1 in 10,000

receptive oral sex (giving fellatio)

< 1 in 10,000

insertive oral sex (receiving fellatio)

< 1 in 10,000

blood transfusion (one unit)

1 in 1

needlestick injury

1 in 333

sharing injecting equipment (includes chemsex)

1 in 149

human bite

< 1 in 10,000
