examination in erectile dysfunction

Last reviewed 01/2018

Physical examination

  • all patients should have a physical examination
  • a genital examination is recommended, and this is essential if there is a history of:
    • rapid onset of pain
    • deviation of the penis during tumescence
    • the symptoms of hypogonadism
    • other urological symptoms (past or present)

  • a digital rectal examination (DRE) of the prostate is not mandatory in ED but should be conducted in the presence of genito-urinary or protracted secondary ejaculatory symptoms

  • blood pressure, heart rate, waist circumference and weight should be measured


ED in an otherwise asymptomatic man may be a marker for underlying CAD. All men with unexplained ED should have a thorough evaluation and any risk factors for CHD that are identified should be addressed

  • a man with ED and no cardiac symptoms is a cardiac patient until proven otherwise
