diagnostic criteria for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Last reviewed 05/2023
diagnostic criteria for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) diagnostic criteria of OSAS are as follows:
A. At least one of the following applies:
- the patient complies of unintentional sleep episodes during wakefulness, daytime sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep, fatigue or insomnia;
- the patient wakes up with breath holding, gasping or chocking; or
- the bed partner reports loud snoring, breathing interruptions or both during the patient's sleep
B. Polysomnographic recording shows the following:
- Five or more scoreable respiratory events (i.e. apnoea, hypopnoea or RERA) per hour of sleep;
- Evidence of respiratory effort during all or a portion of each sleep event
C. Polysomnographic recording shows the following:
- >=15 or scoreable respiratory events (i.e. apnoea, hypopnoea or espiratory effort related arousals RERA) per hour of sleep:
- Evidence of respiratory effort during all or a portion of each sleep event
D. The disorder is not explained by another current sleep disorder, medical or neurological disorder, medication use or a substance abuse disorder:
For obstructive sleep apnoea diagnosis A, B and D or C and D must be fulfilled (1)