
Last reviewed 01/2018


Anthrax has diminished in incidence in the U.K. over the last century due to effective disposal of infected animal carcasses, the directing of all animal hide imports to one port (Liverpool) and the advent of antibiotics.

It is almost entirely an occupational disease affecting those handling imported infected animal products or working with infected animals (1). Reported cases of anthrax by occupation between 1975 and 1996 are as follows:

  • slaughterhouse/abattoir worker - 7cases
  • tannery/leather worker - 5 cases
  • farmer/farm worker -2 cases
  • butcher - 2 cases
  • engineer -1 case
  • textile worker - 1 case
  • bonemeal worker - 1 case

Human infections occur in countries where the disease is common in animals including those in the Southern and Central Americas, Southern and Eastern, Europe, Asia and Africa (1).
