clinical features

Last reviewed 01/2022

Presentation of breast cancer in men tends to be with more advanced disease (than in women) (1)

  • majority presents as a painless mass in the subareola position.
    • the male breast disc can be asymmetric and in malignancy as the mass increases in size it can present away from the nipple-areola complex 

  • changes in the nipple-areola complex such as:
    • nipple retraction
    • nipple inversion
    • nipple ulceration
    • or a rash

  • blood-stained nipple discharge or serous nipple discharge can be associated in this condition

  • changes to the nipple that requires specialist referral are:
    • alteration of skin contour
    • shape
    • or any projections

  • breast pain or itching are less commonly occurring in this condition

  • axillary lymphadenopathy
