heart failure and flying

Last reviewed 01/2018

Condition Lay explanation Restriction/guidance
Acute heart failure You have been in hospital or treated at home because of 'water in the lungs' which made you very breathless Fly after 6 weeks if stabilised (see chronic heart failure)


Condition Functional status Lay explanation Restriction/guidance
Chronic heart failure


You get breathless on mild to moderate exercise but no recent (within 6 weeks) change of symptoms or medication No restriction


You get breathless on walking 20-100 yards/metres at your own pace but no recent (within 6 weeks) change of symptoms or medication May require in flight oxygen


You are breathless at rest and mainly bedbound Advised not to fly without in flight oxygen and medical assistanc


Note that these are only guidelines and each airline has its own regulations and medical standards.


  • British Heart Foundation (September 2010). Factfile - Fitness to fly for passengers with cardiovascular disease.