long-term health risks

Last reviewed 04/2023

  Future risks if gestational hypertension Future risks if preeclampsia Future risks if severe preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome or eclampsia
Gestational hypertension in future pregnancy Risk ranges from about 1 in 6 (16%) to about 1 in 2 (53%). Risk ranges from about1 in 8 (13%) to about 1 in 2 (47%)  
Preeclampsia in future pregnancy Risk ranges from 1 in 50 (2%) to about 1 in 14 (7%)

Risk up to about 1 in 6 (16%). No additional risk if interval before next pregnancy < 10 years


If birth was needed before 34 weeks risk is about 1 in 4 (25%).

If birth was needed before 28 weeks risk is about 1 in 2 (55%).

Cardiovascular disease Increased risk of hypertension and its complications Increased risk of hypertension and its complications Increased risk of hypertension and its complications
End-stage kidney disease   If no proteinuria and no hypertension at 6-8 week postnatal review, relative risk increased but absolute risk low. No follow-up needed.  
Thrombophilia   Routine screening not needed  
