follow-up after insertion of an IUCD

Last reviewed 01/2018

Routine follow-up

  • at 3-6 weeks to check threads and exclude perforation
  • return if problems or time for removal; no further follow-up needed

At first follow-up visit exclude infection, perforation or expulsion

Intrauterine device (IUD) only: For heavier and/or prolonged bleeding associated with use of an IUD:

  • treat with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and tranexamic acid
  • or suggest changing to the IUS if the woman finds bleeding unacceptable

If Actinomyces-like organisms are seen on a cervical smear, assess for pelvic infection, and remove the IUD or intrauterine system (IUS) (Mirena coil) if there are signs of infection

If a woman becomes pregnant with an intrauterine pregnancy, advise removal of the IUD or IUS before 12 weeks' gestation, whether or not she intends to continue the pregnancy


  1. NICE (2014). Long-acting reversible contraception