beclometasone (beclomethasone) dipropionate

Last reviewed 01/2018

Beclometasone (beclomethasone *) dipropionate

Inhaled preparations

  • uses include:
    • asthma prophylaxis - particularly when the condition is not fully controlled by a bronchodilator or chromoglycate
    • allergic and vasomotor rhinitis

Topical preparations

  • uses include:
    • severe eczema, psoriasis and non-responsive inflammatory skin conditions

The summary of product characteristics should be consulted before prescribing this drug.

* Beclometasone became the British Approved Name for beclomethasone in 2004

CFC containing beclamethasone pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDI) are being phased out and it is important to switch to the newer CFC free products when possible.

  • CFC free beclamethasone inhalers are not equivalent in dose and clinicians should prescribe them in their brand names to avoid dosing errors.
