models of the consultation

Last reviewed 12/2021

  • 1957 M Balint - The Doctor, His Patient and The Illness
  • 1964 E Berne - Games People Play
  • 1975 Becker & Maiman - Sociobehavioural Determinants of Compliance ...
  • 1975 J Heron - Six Category Intervention Analysis
  • 1976 Byrne & Long - Doctors Talking to Patients
  • 1977 RCGP definition - Physical, psychological & social ...
  • 1979 Stott & Davis - The Exceptional Potential in Each Primary Care Consultation
  • 1981 C Helman - Disease vs Illness in Gen Practice
  • 1984 Pendleton et al - The Consultation
  • 1987 R Neighbour - The Inner Consultation
  • 1987 R C Fraser - Clinical Method: A Gen Pract Approach
  • 1996 Kurtz & Silverman The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide to The Consultation