prostaglandin E2

Last reviewed 12/2022

Prostaglandin E2 has effects including:

  • oxytocic action, although weaker than prostaglandin F2 alpha
  • bronchodilator
  • along with PGE1, maintain ductus arteriosus patency in the newborn as a result of its general vasodilatory action
  • promotes renal natriuresis and diuresis
  • gastric inhibition of acid secretion and increase in mucous secretion
  • positively inotropic on sinoatrial node
  • increase motility and secretions in gastrointestinal tract
  • hypothalamic pyretic
  • endocrine actions:
    • GH, ACTH, LH, TSH release from pituitary
    • insulin release from pancreas
    • steroid release from adrenal cortex