immune dysfuction

Last reviewed 08/2021

Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is considered as an autoimmune disease.

  • it has a sex distribution similar to other autoimmune diseases
  • most PBC patients have other autoimmune diseases
  • loss of immune tolerance to self-mitochondrial proteins (1)

Evidence in support of autoimmunity includes:

  • specific serum autoantibodies
  • autoreactive T cells
  • adaptive transfer of cholangitis using CD8+ T cells (in murine models)
  • functional T regulatory defects
  • female predominance
  • autoimmune comorbidity
  • MHC association -however, neither humoral nor cytotoxic destruction of the biliary epithelium has been demonstrated

Evidence against autoimmunity includes:

  • absence of disease after autoantibody transfer (in mice)
  • absence of correlation between titre of antimitochondrial antibodies and disease severity48
  • failure to respond to immunosuppressive agents (based on limited data) (1).
