
Last reviewed 01/2018

The condition is self – limiting and most patients will feel better within two weeks.

Referral for urgent management is indicated in acute airway compromise or presumed epiglottitis.

Management options include:

  • vocal hygiene
    • care of voice is beneficial in relieving symptoms in all patients with vocal difficulties
    • voice rest
      • periods of voice rest may vary between 48 hours to one week. Recommendation is to rest the voice until patients find it comfortable to hum
      • whispering also should be avoided (whispering strains the voice more than normal speech)
      • modest speech can be resumed after voice rest
    • hydration
      • especially important in patients who snore or mouth-breathe at night
      • chewing sugar-free gum, or increase in total fluid intake (250 mL per waking hour) is beneficial
    • humidification
      • by using a humidifier
      • by inhalation of steam
      • by avoiding air conditioning and dry heat
    • limiting caffeine intake
      • caffeine exacerbates both snoring and pharyngolaryngeal irritation.
        • less than two standard espressos a day is recommended
      • various sodas and “smart drinks” which contains caffeine should also be avoided
    • stop any predisposing factor - for example, stop smoking or alcohol
  • antibiotics
    • there is limited evidence about benefits of antibiotics in the treatment of acute laryngitis
      • a Cochrane review of two trials involving penicillin V and erythromycin compared with placebo found no significant difference in clinical outcome
    • should be considered in the presence of  - signs and symptoms such as persistent fever (>48 hours), purulent sputum, membrane formation, or associated distant disease (1)

Small children with subglottic oedema should be admitted to hospital for possible respiratory support because of the risk of airway obstruction.
