stage grouping for non-small cell lung cancer

Last reviewed 01/2018

The following stage groupings are recognised:

  • stage 0:
    • carcinoma in situ

  • stage IA:
    • T1N0M0

  • stage IB:
    • T2N0M0

  • stage IIA:
    • T1N1M0

  • stage IIB:
    • T2N1M0
    • T3N0M0

  • stage IIIA:
    • T3N1M0
    • T1N2M0
    • T2N2M0
    • T3N2M0

  • stage IIIB:
    • T4N0M0
    • T4N1M0
    • T4N2M0
    • T1N3M0
    • T2N3M0
    • T3N3M0
    • T4N3M0

  • stage IV:
    • M1 with any T or N