clinical features

Last edited 12/2018

Patients usually present lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS , see diagnosis ) , or with complications such as retention, overflow incontinence, haematuria, infection or stone formation.

Acute retention may be precipitated by overfilling the bladder from excessive fluid intake.

On rectal examination, the prostate is smooth and symmetrical. The surface is flattened. It may be difficult to get the examining finger forward round each side.

A family history of benign prostatic hypertrophy is frequently present. There may be a predisposing gene in these families (1,2).


  • Sanda, M.G., Beaty, T.H., et al.Genetic susceptibility of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Journal of Urololgy 1994; 152(1): 115-119.
  • Yoo KH et al. Association of IL10, IL10RA, and IL10RB polymorphisms with benign prostate hyperplasia in Korean population. J Korean Med Sci. 2011 May;26(5):659-64.