
Last reviewed 01/2021

These vary from area to area in the UK. Department of Health policy is towards community care and the minimisation of long-stay hospital care.

Different services that may be available include:

  • preventative and assessment facilities: paediatric screening, well baby clinics, Health Visitors
  • day care for pre-school children: day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools
  • education (2-19): special units in normal schools, special schools, residential schools with special behaviour modification units, hospital schools
  • training for adults: there is a need for continuing education especially in self-help skills, social skills and sex education
  • occupational therapy: services include sheltered employment, sheltered workshops and adult training centres
  • residential provision: there needs to be flexible provision of short term/long term care, hostels, childrens homes, fostering
  • hospital facilities:
    • modification programmes for severe behaviour disorders
    • review of drug treatments
    • care of high dependency and multiply handicapped patients
    • small units within local hospitals are preferred to large institutions